Saturday, September 25, 2010

Proposal Four

Proposal No. 4

Name: Arthur Andesya Yudha - Mohammad Mehdi Zarrin
Student ID: 1051107310 - 1051107997
Topic: Electronic Devices
Brand: Pensonic Audio Visual Appliances
Product Category: Computer and Electronic Devices
Target Audience:  25-40 Years old

Pensonic comes to Industry of household and consumer electronic products.
Pensonic is a local brand that has mission “To deliver quality products and services in meeting customer satisfaction” and vision “To be the first choice of consumers and customers around the world by bringing together innovative ideas, continuous improvement and people who make things happen”.

Market Situation:
Pensonic market situation is steady because people keep buying any Pensonic products that they need in their house to make them have enjoyment, leisure and comfortable place at home.

Issues/ Problems:
The name Pensonic cause people’s perception that Pensonic is a shadow of Panasonic, in other words people think that Pensonic is an imitation of Panasonic .
Being a local product makes Pensonic to be underestimated by people. People still think that overseas product has a better quality than local product.

Ideas / Facts:
Change people perception that Pensonic Audio and Visual Appliances product has a good quality as Pensonic promised to give satisfaction to their customer on product quality.
Give people a highlight that by buying Pensonic product, they will meet their satisfaction in value of money and product quality.

Citations/ References:

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